Improved Genetic Operators for the Multiobjective Generalized Assignment Problem
The original formulation of the Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP) consists in, given a set of n different tasks and m different agents, assigning each task to an agent in such a way that a cost function is minimized. A previous work introduced the Equilibrium Function as a new objective function in the problem formulation. The purpose of this second objective function is to minimize the maximum difference between the amount of work assigned to the agents. This allows better distributions of the tasks between the agents than the results found from the original problem, with a small increase in the cost. This paper proposes new crossover and mutation operators that produce improvements in the algorithm presented in [Subtil et al. 2010], leading to considerably better Pareto approximations than the ones obtained in the previous work, within the same number of function evaluations. The proposed operators exploit problem-specific information in a probabilistic way, performing operations that lead to objective function enhancement or feasibility enhancement with greater probability than operations that do not cause such enhancements. A statistical comparison procedure is employed for supporting such conclusions.Referências
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Sahni, S. and Gonzalez, T. (1976). P-complete approximation problems. Journal of the ACM, 23:555–565.
Subtil, R. F., Carrano, E. G., Souza, M. J. F., and Takahashi, R. H. C. (2010). Using an enhanced integer NSGA-II for solving the Multiobjective Generalized Assignment Problem. In Proc. IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, Barcelona.
Turek, J., Wolf, J. L., and Yu, P. S. (1992). Approximate algorithms scheduling parallelizable tasks. In Proc. ACM Symposium on Parallel Algorithms and Architectures, San Diego, USA.
Yagiura, M., Glover, F., and Ibaraki, T. (2006). A path relinking approach with ejection chains for the generalized assignment problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 169:548–569.
Zitzler, E. (1999). Evolutionary algorithms for multiobjective optimization: Methods and applications. PhD thesis, Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.
Como Citar
SUBTIL, Robert F.; CARRANO, Eduardo G.; TAKAHASHI, Ricardo H. C.; SOUZA, Marcone J. F.; SOUZA, Sérgio R. de.
Improved Genetic Operators for the Multiobjective Generalized Assignment Problem. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E COMPUTACIONAL (ENIAC), 8. , 2011, Natal/RN.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 701-712.
ISSN 2763-9061.