Fusão de Observações Afetivas em Cenários Realistas
Este artigo demonstra uma técnica para a determinação da emoção demonstrada por um interlocutor durante uma interação homem-máquina relativamente longa, utilizando a fusão multimodal de sinais provenientes das emoções na fala e na expressão facial, combinados à análise semântica do conteúdo da fala, realizada com base em informações recuperadas a partir de redes sociais na Internet.Referências
Bartlett MS, Hager JC, Ekman P, Sejnowski TJ. “Measuring facial expressions by computer image analysis”. Department of Cognitive Science, University of California, San Diego, USA, 1999.
Campanella, S., Belin, P. “Integrating face and voice in person perception”. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 535−543. 2007.
Castellano, G., Kessous, L. Caridakis, G. “Multimodal emotion recognition from expressive faces, body gestures and speech”. In Fiorella de Rosis, Roddy Cowie (Ed.), Proc. of the Doctoral Consortium of 2nd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Lisbon, September 2007.
Chetty, G. Wagner, M. “A Multilevel Fusion Approach for Audiovisual Emotion Recognition”. International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing 2008.
Visual Recognition. Disponível em: [link] Acesso em: 23 de março de 2011.
Ekman, P., Friesen, W. “Facial Action Coding System”, Consulting Psychologist Press, 1977
Laros, F.J.M.; Steenkamp, J.E.M. “Emotions in consumer behavior: a hierarchical approach”. Journal of Business Research vol.58 pgs.1437-1445, 2005.
Martin, O. Kotsia, I. Macq, B. Pitas, I. “The eNTERFACE’05 Audio-Visual Emotion Database”. Université Catholique de Louvain; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2005.
Martinez-Miranda, J.; Aldea, A. “Emotions in human and artificial intelligence”. Computers in Human Behavior vol.21 pgs.323-341, 2005.
Pantic, M.; Rothkrantz, L.J.M. “Automatic analysis of facial expressions: state of art”. IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.22 no. 12, December, 2000.
Ptaszynski, M., Dybala, P., Shi, W., Rzepka, R., Araki, K. “Towards Context Aware Emotional Intelligence in Machines: Computing Contextual Appropriateness of Affective States”. IJCAI'09 Proceedings of the 21st international jont conference on Artifical intelligence. 2009.
Rachuri, K.K.; Musolesi, M.; Mascolo, C.; Rentfrow, P.; Longworth, C.; Aucinas, A. “EmotionSense: a mobile phone based adaptive platform for experimental social psychology research”. UbiComp ’10, Sep 26-Sep 29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Roseman, I.J.; Smith, C.A. “Appraisal Theory – Overview, Assumptions, Varieties, Controversies”. In “Appraisal Processes in Emotion – Theory, Methods, Research” editado por Scherer, K; Schorr, ª; Johnstone, T. Oxford University Press, USA, 2001.
Sander, D.; Grandjean, D.; Scherer, K. R. “A systems approach to appraisal mechanisms in emotion” Neural Networks vol. 18 pgs. 317-352, 2005.
Scherer, K. Ellgring, H. “Multimodal Expression of Emotion: Affect Programs or Componential Appraisal Patterns?”. American Psychological Association. 2007.
Schorr, A. “Appraisal – The Evolution of an Idea”. In “Appraisal Processes in Emotion – Theory, Methods, Research” editado por Scherer, K; Schorr, ; Johnstone, T. Oxford University Press, UK, 2001.
Twitter – The best way to discover what’s new in your world. Disponível em: [link]. Acesso em: 30 de março de 2011.
T. Vogt, E. André and N. Bee, "EmoVoice - A framework for online recognition of emotions from voice," in Proceedings of Workshop on Perception and Interactive Technologies for Speech-Based Systems, 2008.
T. Vogt and E. André, "Comparing Feature Sets for Acted and Spontaneous Speech in View of Automatic Emotion Recognition," in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2005), 2005.
Campanella, S., Belin, P. “Integrating face and voice in person perception”. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 11, 535−543. 2007.
Castellano, G., Kessous, L. Caridakis, G. “Multimodal emotion recognition from expressive faces, body gestures and speech”. In Fiorella de Rosis, Roddy Cowie (Ed.), Proc. of the Doctoral Consortium of 2nd International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, Lisbon, September 2007.
Chetty, G. Wagner, M. “A Multilevel Fusion Approach for Audiovisual Emotion Recognition”. International Conference on Auditory-Visual Speech Processing 2008.
Visual Recognition. Disponível em: [link] Acesso em: 23 de março de 2011.
Ekman, P., Friesen, W. “Facial Action Coding System”, Consulting Psychologist Press, 1977
Laros, F.J.M.; Steenkamp, J.E.M. “Emotions in consumer behavior: a hierarchical approach”. Journal of Business Research vol.58 pgs.1437-1445, 2005.
Martin, O. Kotsia, I. Macq, B. Pitas, I. “The eNTERFACE’05 Audio-Visual Emotion Database”. Université Catholique de Louvain; Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2005.
Martinez-Miranda, J.; Aldea, A. “Emotions in human and artificial intelligence”. Computers in Human Behavior vol.21 pgs.323-341, 2005.
Pantic, M.; Rothkrantz, L.J.M. “Automatic analysis of facial expressions: state of art”. IEEE Trans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, vol.22 no. 12, December, 2000.
Ptaszynski, M., Dybala, P., Shi, W., Rzepka, R., Araki, K. “Towards Context Aware Emotional Intelligence in Machines: Computing Contextual Appropriateness of Affective States”. IJCAI'09 Proceedings of the 21st international jont conference on Artifical intelligence. 2009.
Rachuri, K.K.; Musolesi, M.; Mascolo, C.; Rentfrow, P.; Longworth, C.; Aucinas, A. “EmotionSense: a mobile phone based adaptive platform for experimental social psychology research”. UbiComp ’10, Sep 26-Sep 29, 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Roseman, I.J.; Smith, C.A. “Appraisal Theory – Overview, Assumptions, Varieties, Controversies”. In “Appraisal Processes in Emotion – Theory, Methods, Research” editado por Scherer, K; Schorr, ª; Johnstone, T. Oxford University Press, USA, 2001.
Sander, D.; Grandjean, D.; Scherer, K. R. “A systems approach to appraisal mechanisms in emotion” Neural Networks vol. 18 pgs. 317-352, 2005.
Scherer, K. Ellgring, H. “Multimodal Expression of Emotion: Affect Programs or Componential Appraisal Patterns?”. American Psychological Association. 2007.
Schorr, A. “Appraisal – The Evolution of an Idea”. In “Appraisal Processes in Emotion – Theory, Methods, Research” editado por Scherer, K; Schorr, ; Johnstone, T. Oxford University Press, UK, 2001.
Twitter – The best way to discover what’s new in your world. Disponível em: [link]. Acesso em: 30 de março de 2011.
T. Vogt, E. André and N. Bee, "EmoVoice - A framework for online recognition of emotions from voice," in Proceedings of Workshop on Perception and Interactive Technologies for Speech-Based Systems, 2008.
T. Vogt and E. André, "Comparing Feature Sets for Acted and Spontaneous Speech in View of Automatic Emotion Recognition," in IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2005), 2005.
Como Citar
Fusão de Observações Afetivas em Cenários Realistas. In: ENCONTRO NACIONAL DE INTELIGÊNCIA ARTIFICIAL E COMPUTACIONAL (ENIAC), 8. , 2011, Natal/RN.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 833-842.
ISSN 2763-9061.