Valid Inequalities for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem


This work aims to investigate the Green Vehicle Routing Problem (G-VRP), which is an NP-Hard problem that generalizes the Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) and integrates it with the green logistics. In the G-VRP, electric vehicles with limited autonomy can be recharged at Alternative Fuel Stations (AFSs) to keep visiting customers. This research proposes MILP formulations, valid inequalities, and preprocessing conditions.

Palavras-chave: Roteamento de veículos, Problema de roteamento de veículos verdes, Formulação de programação linear inteira mista, Procedimentos de preprocessamento, Operação de frota de combustível alternativo


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ANDRADE, Matheus Diógenes; USBERTI, Fábio Luiz. Valid Inequalities for the Green Vehicle Routing Problem. In: ENCONTRO DE TEORIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO (ETC), 5. , 2020, Cuiabá. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 45-48. ISSN 2595-6116. DOI: