On a Leasing Variant of the Online Connected Facility Location Problem

  • Murilo Santos de Lima UNICAMP
  • Mário César San Felice USP
  • Orlando Lee UNICAMP


In the leasing optimization model, resources are leased for K different time periods, instead of being acquired for unlimited duration. The goal is to use these temporary resources to maintain a dynamic infrastructure that serves n requests while minimizing the total cost. We propose and study a leasing variant of the online connected facility location problem, which we call the online connected facility leasing problem. In this problem each client that arrives must be connected to a temporary facility, which in turn must be connected to a root facility using permanent edges. We present an algorithm that is O(K · lg n)-competitive if the scaling factor is M = 1.



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DE LIMA, Murilo Santos; SAN FELICE, Mário César; LEE, Orlando. On a Leasing Variant of the Online Connected Facility Location Problem. In: ENCONTRO DE TEORIA DA COMPUTAÇÃO (ETC), 1. , 2016, Porto Alegre. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2016 . p. 836-839. ISSN 2595-6116. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/etc.2016.9837.