Explorando UX em Interfaces Conversacionais: percepções de um estudo preliminar da literatura
Este trabalho apresenta uma revisão rápida da literatura sobre métodos e técnicas de experiência de usuário (UX user experience) para avaliar interfaces conversacionais, identificando práticas atuais. A análise de 25 artigos das bases ACM e Scopus revela a diversidade de abordagens, incluindo questionários de usabilidade, além de métodos qualitativos, como entrevistas e grupos focais. A ausência de um padrão universal na avaliação de UX destaca a necessidade de estudos aprofundados para consolidar melhores práticas e fornecer uma base para futuras pesquisas. Este trabalho visa construir um campo de estudo mais coeso e eficaz, atendendo às crescentes demandas por interações humanas com sistemas computacionais complexos e inteligentes.Referências
Cartaxo, B., Pinto, G., and Soares, S. (2018). The role of rapid reviews in supporting decision-making in software engineering practice. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering 2018, pages 24–34.
Fadhil, A. and Gabrielli, S. (2017). Addressing challenges in promoting healthy lifestyles: the al-chatbot approach. In Proceedings of the 11th EAI international conference on pervasive computing technologies for healthcare, pages 261–265.
Guerino, G. C., Silva, W. A. F., Coleti, T. A., and Valentim, N. M. C. (2021). Assessing a technology for usability and user experience evaluation of conversational systems: An exploratory study. In ICEIS (2), pages 463–473.
ISO (2019). Ergonomics of human-system interaction – part 210: Human-centred design for interactive systems (2nd ed.). Standard, International Organization for Standardization (2019).
Schuetzler, R. M., Grimes, G. M., and Giboney, J. S. (2019). The effect of conversational agent skill on user behavior during deception. Computers in Human Behavior, 97:250–259.
Tricco, A. C., Antony, J., Zarin, W., Strifler, L., Ghassemi, M., Ivory, J., Perrier, L., Hutton, B., Moher, D., and Straus, S. E. (2015). A scoping review of rapid review methods. BMC medicine, 13:1–15.
Trippas, J. R., Spina, D., Thomas, P., Sanderson, M., Joho, H., and Cavedon, L. (2020). Towards a model for spoken conversational search. Information Processing & Management, 57(2):102162.
van der Zandt, L., van der Stappen, E., and van Turnhout, K. (2021). Towards real-life adoption of conversational interfaces: Exploring the challenges in designing chatbots that live up to user expectations. In 34th British HCI Conference, pages 306–311. BCS Learning & Development.
Fadhil, A. and Gabrielli, S. (2017). Addressing challenges in promoting healthy lifestyles: the al-chatbot approach. In Proceedings of the 11th EAI international conference on pervasive computing technologies for healthcare, pages 261–265.
Guerino, G. C., Silva, W. A. F., Coleti, T. A., and Valentim, N. M. C. (2021). Assessing a technology for usability and user experience evaluation of conversational systems: An exploratory study. In ICEIS (2), pages 463–473.
ISO (2019). Ergonomics of human-system interaction – part 210: Human-centred design for interactive systems (2nd ed.). Standard, International Organization for Standardization (2019).
Schuetzler, R. M., Grimes, G. M., and Giboney, J. S. (2019). The effect of conversational agent skill on user behavior during deception. Computers in Human Behavior, 97:250–259.
Tricco, A. C., Antony, J., Zarin, W., Strifler, L., Ghassemi, M., Ivory, J., Perrier, L., Hutton, B., Moher, D., and Straus, S. E. (2015). A scoping review of rapid review methods. BMC medicine, 13:1–15.
Trippas, J. R., Spina, D., Thomas, P., Sanderson, M., Joho, H., and Cavedon, L. (2020). Towards a model for spoken conversational search. Information Processing & Management, 57(2):102162.
van der Zandt, L., van der Stappen, E., and van Turnhout, K. (2021). Towards real-life adoption of conversational interfaces: Exploring the challenges in designing chatbots that live up to user expectations. In 34th British HCI Conference, pages 306–311. BCS Learning & Development.
Como Citar
RIBEIRO, Jéssica Favero; MACHADO, Leticia dos Santos; PIMENTA, Marcelo Soares.
Explorando UX em Interfaces Conversacionais: percepções de um estudo preliminar da literatura. In: PÔSTERES E DEMONSTRAÇÕES - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE FATORES HUMANOS EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (IHC), 23. , 2024, Brasília/DF.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 134-138.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/ihc_estendido.2024.244012.