Query co-planning for shared execution in Key-Value Stores


Key-value stores propose a very simple yet powerful data model. Data is modeled using key-value pairs where values can be arbitrary objects and can be written/read using the key associated with it. In addition to their simple interface, such data stores also provide read operations such as full and range scans. However, due to the simplicity of its interface, trying to optimize data accesses becomes challenging. This work aims to enable the shared execution of concurrent range and point queries on key-value stores. Thus, reducing the overall data movement when executing a complete workload. To accomplish this, we analyze different possible data structures and propose our variation of a segment tree, Updatable Interval Tree. This data structure helps us co-planning and co-executing multiple range queries together, as we show in our evaluation.

Palavras-chave: Databases, Key-Value Stores, Query co-planning


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