LGPD: A Formal Concept Analysis and its Evaluation

  • Antônio Diogo Forte Martins Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Patrícia Vieira da Silva Barros Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • José Maria Monteiro Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Javam de Castro Machado Universidade Federal do Ceará


Nowadays, personal data generated through the use of smart devices are collected and stored by many companies. So, concerns about privacy issues are raised by users. In this context, the Brazilian General Law for the Protection of Personal Data (LGPD) was proposed in 2018. It regulates how any company must store and process personal data. This paper details the results of applying formal concept analysis (FCA) to the LGPD. The goal of applying FCA was to elicit key insights to support software development or re-design in compliance with LGPD. Besides, we propose an automatic manner to apply FCA.

Palavras-chave: LGPD, GDPR, Formal Concept Analysis, NLP


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MARTINS, Antônio Diogo Forte; BARROS, Patrícia Vieira da Silva; MONTEIRO, José Maria; MACHADO, Javam de Castro. LGPD: A Formal Concept Analysis and its Evaluation. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS (SBBD), 35. , 2020, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 259-264. ISSN 2763-8979. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbbd.2020.13651.