Fake News and Brazilian politics – temporal investigation based on semantic annotations and graph analysis

  • Luiz Gomes Jr. UTFPR
  • Gabriel Frizzon UTFPR


The widespread use of misleading news articles has been threatening democratic processes such as elections and referendums. Understanding how fake news address social entities (e.g. personalities and institutions) and how they react to social events are important factors in the fight against the trend. This paper employs a new approach based on semantic annotations and graph analysis to study fake news articles about Brazilian politics in a two-year time span. We demonstrate how graph analysis can be used to track topic evolution and cluster related entities. A preliminary result also indicates that fake news tends to be influenced by public interest (and not the other way around).

Palavras-chave: Temporal investigation, semantic annotations, graph analysis, fake news


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GOMES JR., Luiz; FRIZZON, Gabriel. Fake News and Brazilian politics – temporal investigation based on semantic annotations and graph analysis. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE BANCO DE DADOS (SBBD), 34. , 2019, Fortaleza. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 169-174. ISSN 2763-8979. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbbd.2019.8818.