Protótipo de um Aplicativo de Diálise Peritoneal

  • Rafael de Souza Pereira UERJ
  • Andressa Silva Pereira Xavier de Mattos HUPE
  • Maria Regina Araújo Reicherte UERJ
  • Vera M. B. Werneck UFRJ


Chronic kidney disease can be a health problem that can lead to mortality. Peritoneal dialysis is one of the renal therapies to be considered because it is simple and less aggressive. The objective of this work is the development and evaluation of an application on Peritoneal Dialysis proposed in the Residency Research project in Clinical. The development process resulted in an app with specific content for patients and caregivers that make peritoneal dialysis. That app runs on mobile devices with Android or iOS Operational Systems. At first, the research supports the requirements identification. Then the use case scenarios were modeled, and the functional prototype was created. Later a survey was elaborated to evaluate the prototype and use the results to improve it. In parallel, nursing professionals and health education technicians evaluate a content survey. This work presents the application, the development, and the usability evaluation results.


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PEREIRA, Rafael de Souza; MATTOS, Andressa Silva Pereira Xavier de; REICHERTE, Maria Regina Araújo; WERNECK, Vera M. B.. Protótipo de um Aplicativo de Diálise Peritoneal . In: WORK IN PROGRESS - BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTING APPLIED TO HEALTHCARE (SBCAS), 22. , 2022, Teresina/PI. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 116-121. ISSN 2763-8987. DOI: