Using Interaction Laws to Implement Dependability Explicit Computing in Open Multi-Agent Systems

  • Rodrigo Paes PUC-Rio
  • Carlos Lucena PUC-Rio
  • Gustavo Carvalho PUC-Rio


In this paper we propose to incorporate the Dependability Explicit Computing (DepEx) ideas into a law-governed approach in order to build dependable open multi-agent systems. We show that the law specification can explicitly incorporate dependability concerns, collect data and publish them in a metadata registry. This data can be used to realize DepEx and, for example, it can help to guide design and runtime decisions. The advantages of using a law-approach are (i) the explicit specification of the dependability concerns; (ii) the automatic collection of the dependability metadata reusing the mediators’ infrastructure presenting in law-governed approaches; and (iii) the ability to specify reactions to undesirable situations, thus preventing service failures.


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PAES, Rodrigo; LUCENA, Carlos; CARVALHO, Gustavo. Using Interaction Laws to Implement Dependability Explicit Computing in Open Multi-Agent Systems. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (SBES), 21. , 2007, João Pessoa. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2007 . p. 59-75. DOI: