Elicitação dos Requisitos de Meta-Ambientes de Engenharia de Software através da Análise de Negócios

  • M. A. B. Serrano Furnas Centrais Elétricas S. A.
  • A. v. Staa PUC-Rio


The essential properties of Software Engineering Meta-Environment are identified. The identification process is based on mission analysis techniques, and examines the software process from a fairly wide scope, envisaging software environment instantiation, adequately geared towards the software engineering mission. The software development process is organized in three orthogonal domain axes: user domain, mission domain, and technology domain -, and operate in two mission oriented environments: mission of the application, and mission of the software engineering environment. The model is based on feedback loops, and has been designed in order to allow easy evolution and knowledge acquisition.

Keywords: feedback driven processes, mission analysis, business planing, meta-environments, software engineering environments, software requirements


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SERRANO, M. A. B.; STAA, A. v.. Elicitação dos Requisitos de Meta-Ambientes de Engenharia de Software através da Análise de Negócios. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (SBES), 11. , 1997, Recife/PE. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1997 . p. 33-48. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbes.1997.24039.