Programação Centrada em Instâncias em SMALLTALK

  • Paulo H. C. Lisboa Object Reflection Ltda. / UFPE
  • José Fernando Tepedino Object Reflection Ltda. / UFPE
  • Silvio Lemos Meira Object Reflection Ltda. / UFPE


Este artigo discute o conceito de programação centrada em instâncias, mostrando um protótipo com várias extensões introduzidas ao ambiente SMALLTALK/V para torná-lo mais propício a este estilo de programação. O artigo apresenta também algumas técnicas que permitem a incorporação de características dos sistemas baseados em instâncias no protótipo.


Jay Almarode: "Rule-Based Delegation for Prototypes", ACM - OOPSLA'89 Proceedings, October, 1989.

Kent Beck: "Instance Specific Behavior: How and Why', The Smalltalk Report, SIGS publications, Volume 2 Number 6, March-April 1993.

Craig Chambers, David Ungar, Bay-Wei Chang & Urs Hölze: "Parents are Shared Parts of Objects: Inheritance and Encapsulation in SELF", Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal, 4, 3, 1991.

Jay Fenton & Kent Beck: "Playground: An Object Oriented Simulation System with Agent Rules for Children of All Ages", ACM - OOPSLA'89 Proceedings, October, 1989.

Brian Foote & Ralph E. Johnson: "Reflective Facilities in Smalltalk-80", ACM - OOPSLA'89 Proceedings, October, 1989.

Eric Gold & Mary Beth Rosson: "Portia: An Instance-Centered Environment for Smalltalk", ACM - OOPSLA'91 Proceedings, 1991.

Adele Goldberg & David Robson: "SMALLTALK-80: The Language", Addison-Wesley, 1989.

Dan Ingalls, Scott Wallace, Yu-Ying Chow, Frank Ludolph & Ken Doyle: "Fabrik: A Visual Programming Environment", ACM - OOPSLA'88 Proceedings, September, 1988.

Wilf LaLonde & John Pugh: "Instance-Based Programming with PARTS", Journal of Object-Oriented Programming, - SIGS publications, March-April, 1993.

Wilf R. LaLonde, Dave A. Thomas & John R. Pugh: "An Exemplar Based Smalltalk", ACM - OOPSLA'86 Proceedings, September, 1986.

Henry Lieberman: "Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared Behavior in Object Oriented Systems", ACM - OOPSLA'86 Proceedings, September, 1986.

Paulo H. C. Lisboa, José Fernando Tepedino & Silvio Lemos Meira: "Reflexão Computacional em - SMALLTALK", SEMISH'93, Florianópolis, SC, setembro, 1993.

Paulo H. C. Lisboa: "Reflexão em SMALLTALK: Ambientes e Extensões para Sistemas Reais", Tese de Mestrado em elaboração, DI-UFPE, 1993.

Patti Maes: "Computational Reflection", Technical Report, Artificial - Inteligence Laboratory, Vrije Universiteit -Brussel, Belgica, Bruxelas, 1987.

Bertrand Meyer: "Object-Oriented Software Construction Prentice-Hall International, Series in Computer Science, 1988.

Michael F. Kleyn & Paul C. Gingrisch: "GraphiTrace - Understanding Object-Oriented Systems Using Concurrentiy Animated Views", ACM - OOPSLA'88 Proccedings, September, 1988.

Michael L. Nelson: "An Object-Oriented Tower of Babel", ACM - OOPS Messenger, volume 2, number 3, July, 1991.

Trygve Reenskaug & Anne Lise Skaar: "An Environment for Literate Smalltalk Programming", ACM - OOPSLA'89 Proceedings, October, 1989.

Lynn Andrea Stein: "Delegation is Inheritance" ACM - OOPSLA'87 Proceedings, October, 1987.

B. Stroustrup: "The C++ Programming Language", Addison-Wesley, 1986.

David Ungar & Randall B. Smith: "Self: The Power of Simplicity", ACM - OOPSLA'87 Proceedings, October, 1987.

David Ungar, Craig Chambers, Bay-Wei Chang & Urs Hölze: "Organizing Programs Without Classes", Lisp and Symbolic Computation: An International Journal, 4, 3, 1991.
LISBOA, Paulo H. C.; TEPEDINO, José Fernando; MEIRA, Silvio Lemos. Programação Centrada em Instâncias em SMALLTALK. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ENGENHARIA DE SOFTWARE (SBES), 7. , 1993, Rio de Janeiro/RJ. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 1993 . p. 208-222. DOI: