A Plagiarism Detection Method for Online Judge Systems Based on Student Behavior


Plagiarism is a serious and growing problem in the academic environment, which interferes directly in the quality of teaching. This research is contextualized in the problem the detection of plagiarism in CS1 courses. In these courses, the codes developed by students tend to be simple and small, making it difficult for traditional methods based on code similarity to detect plagiarism. To overcome this difficulty, this work proposes a plagiarism detection method that uses evidences extracted from the logs of online judge systems and which are based on the student's behavior during their attempts to solve the programming exercises. As far as researched, this is the first method in the scientific literature that is based on student behavior, having reached 0.83 in the F-measure during the plagiarism detection process.

Keywords: Plagiarism Detection, Online Judge, Student Behavior


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OLIVEIRA, David B. F. de; LAVAREDA FILHO, Ronem M.; OLIVEIRA, Elaine H. T.; CARVALHO, Leandro S. G.; PEREIRA, Filipe Dwan; COLONNA, Juan G.; MENEZES, Adria. A Plagiarism Detection Method for Online Judge Systems Based on Student Behavior. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (SBIE), 32. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 836-848. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbie.2021.21839.