Forward! The use of Statistical Methods in the Presentation and Evaluation of the Results of Computational Thinking Practices in Brazil


Statistical methods support tools that value and illustrate as validations of scientific studies. With this awareness and in favor of the development of Computational Thinking (CT), this article presents a Systematic Review of the state of the art on CT practices in Brazil. Using the chain of search for quality in the bases of CEIE and RENOTE, 371 articles were returned that defend the freedom of inclusion, exclusivity, reaching 97 relevant ones, which bring to light the need to homogenize, geographically, the dissemination of CT practices and to encourage the use of descriptive and/or inferential statistical methods in presentation and evaluation of the results of CT practices.

Keywords: Computational Thinking, Systematic Mapping, Statistic


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LIMA, Antonio Alexandre; OLIVEIRA, Márcio Canedo de; SIQUEIRA, Sean Wolfgand Matsui; S. N. NUNES, Maria Augusta. Forward! The use of Statistical Methods in the Presentation and Evaluation of the Results of Computational Thinking Practices in Brazil. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS IN EDUCATION (SBIE), 33. , 2022, Manaus. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 1233-1242. DOI: