Structuring Software Development as an IT Service: A Practical Experience

  • Marcos Kalinowski UFJF
  • Sheila Reinehr PUCPR


In organizational environments involving systems in production, it is not always possible to predict development demands that will arise. In this scenario, it becomes a business advantage for suppliers to structure themselves in order to provide services able to deal with these demands, properly handling their volume and their treatment priority. In this paper, we report the experience of structuring software development as an IT service delivery according to a service level agreement (SLA) established along with the customer to meet their business needs. Both, the external vision, through contractual terms, and the internal vision, through managerial controls used to meet the SLA, are presented.
Keywords: Software Development, IT Service, Practical Experience


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KALINOWSKI, Marcos; REINEHR, Sheila. Structuring Software Development as an IT Service: A Practical Experience. In: BRAZILIAN SOFTWARE QUALITY SYMPOSIUM (SBQS), 12. , 2013, Salvador. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2013 . p. 318-325. DOI: