Software Quality Assessment Using Data Mining Techniques

  • Simone Vasconcelos Silva CEFET Campos


This work approaches the evaluation of the quality of software based on the satisfaction of the users through the use of the data mining. The improvement of the quality of software is proposal in accordance with the extracted useful knowledge of diverse bases through the data mining. The present work uses the concepts of the two boarded areas, quality of software and data mining, besides considering a methodology of evaluation of the quality of software products, being this validated through a case study.
Keywords: Quality Assessment, Software Quality, Data Mining


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SILVA, Simone Vasconcelos. Software Quality Assessment Using Data Mining Techniques. In: BRAZILIAN SOFTWARE QUALITY SYMPOSIUM (SBQS), 7. , 2008, Florianópolis. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2008 . p. 61-73. DOI: