GenPolis - Prototipagem e aplicação de uma ferramenta especializada para otimização via algoritmos genéticos de planos fixos de sinalização semafórica em sub-redes urbanas
A aplicação de algoritmos genéticos (AGs) para otimizações em engenharia de tráfego possui boa base bibliográfica, mas são raras as aplicações reais em meios onde há escassez de dados e de sistemas inteligentes de controle de tráfego. Este artigo apresenta um novo modelo de simulação sobre o qual um AG é aplicado para encontrar planos de sinalização semafórica que reduzam atrasos e paradas em sub-redes congestionadas. A ferramenta é simplificada para execução rápida, usando apenas os parâmetros colhidos pela CET-SP. O estudo de caso em uma sub-rede paulistana resultou em reduções da ordem de 30% no nível de atraso calculado nas simulações dos planos anteriores.
Algoritmos Genéticos, Engenharia de Tráfego, Modelo de Simulação,
Brownlee, J. (2011) Clever Algorithms – Nature Inspired Programming RecipesCreative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Australia License, livro de referências, 436p
Cantarella, G.E. e Pavone, G.; Vitetta, A. (2006) Heuristics for urban road network design: Lane layout and signal settings, European Journal of Operational Research Volume 175, Issue 3, artigo, 14p
Cavicchio, D. (1972) Reproductive Adaptive Plans, Proceedings of the ACM annual conference-Volume 1, artigo, 11p
Ceylan, H. e Bell, Michael G. H. (2004a) Reserve Capacity for a Road Network Under Optimized Fixed Time Traffic Signal Control, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Volume 8, Issue 2, artigo, 14p
Ceylan, H. e Bell, M. G. H. (2004b) Traffic signal timing optimisation based on genetic algorithm approach, ncluding drivers routing, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Volume 38, Issue 4, artigo, 14p
Ejzenberg, S. (2005) Reprogramação de Semáforos – Método de Observação de Campo, website instrucional Sinal de Trânsito ( – CET- SP, artigo, 32p
Hale, D. K. (2008) TRAffic Network StudY Tool, TRANSYT-7F, United States Version, McTrans Center – University of Florida, manual, 442p
Holland, J. H. (1992) Genetic Algorithms,
Kesur, K. B. (2009), Advances in Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Traffic Signals, Journal of Transportation Engineering 135, Issue 4, artigo, 14p
Lebdeh, G. A. e Benekohal, R. (1997), Development of Traffic Control and Queue Management Procedures for Oversaturated Arterials, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 1603, artigo, 9p
Lo, H. K, Chang E. e Chan, Yiu C. (2001) Dynamic Network traffic control, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 35, Issue 8, artigo, 24p
Lopes, D.L. (2003), Viabilidade do Uso de Modelos Sintéticos Integrados de Uso de Solo e Transportes: Estudo de Aplicação à Cidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica da USP, tese mestrado, 177p
Medina, J. J. S., Moreno, M. J. G. e Royo, E. R. (2010) Traffic Signal Optimization in “La Almozara” District in Saragossa Under Congestion Conditions, Using Genetic Algorithms, Traffic Microsimulation, and Cluster Computing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 11, Issue 1, artigo 10p
Mitchell, M. (1995) Genetic algorithms: An overview, Santa Fe Institute, artigo, 17p
Parl, B., Messer, C. e Urbanik, T. (2000) Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Signal Timing Optimization of Oversaturated Intersections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 1727, artigo, 10p
Park, B., Santra, P., Yun, I. e Lee D. H. (2004) Optimization of Time-of-Day Breakpoints for Better Traffic Signal Control, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 1867, artigo, 7p
Pohlmann, T. e Friedrich, B. (2010) A new online control strategy for signalized urban sub-networks, 12th World Congress on Transportation Research, artigo, 22p
Rennard, J. P. (2000), Introduction do Genetic Algorithms (, website educativo
Robertson, D. I. e Bretherton, R. D. (1991) Optimizing Networks of Traffic Signals in Real Time-The SCOOT Method, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, artigo, 5p
Sun D; Benekohal, R. F. e Waller T. (2006) Bi-level Programming Formulation and Heuristic Solution Approach for Dynamic Traffic Signal Optimization, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Volume 21, Issue 5, artigo, 13p
Stevanovic, A., Martin P., e Stevanovic J. (2007) VisSim-Based Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Signal Timings, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2035, artigo, 10p
Teklu, F.; Sumalee, A.; Watling, D. (2007), A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Optimizing Traffic Control Signals Considering Routing, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Volume 22, Issue 1, artigo, 13p
Vilanova, L. (2005a) Programação de um semáforo usando o método do grau de saturação, website instrucional Sinal de Trânsito (, artigo, 14p
Vilanova, L. (2005b) Fundamentos da programação semafórica, website instrucional Sinal de Trânsito ( – CET-SP, artigo, 20p
Cantarella, G.E. e Pavone, G.; Vitetta, A. (2006) Heuristics for urban road network design: Lane layout and signal settings, European Journal of Operational Research Volume 175, Issue 3, artigo, 14p
Cavicchio, D. (1972) Reproductive Adaptive Plans, Proceedings of the ACM annual conference-Volume 1, artigo, 11p
Ceylan, H. e Bell, Michael G. H. (2004a) Reserve Capacity for a Road Network Under Optimized Fixed Time Traffic Signal Control, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Volume 8, Issue 2, artigo, 14p
Ceylan, H. e Bell, M. G. H. (2004b) Traffic signal timing optimisation based on genetic algorithm approach, ncluding drivers routing, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological Volume 38, Issue 4, artigo, 14p
Ejzenberg, S. (2005) Reprogramação de Semáforos – Método de Observação de Campo, website instrucional Sinal de Trânsito ( – CET- SP, artigo, 32p
Hale, D. K. (2008) TRAffic Network StudY Tool, TRANSYT-7F, United States Version, McTrans Center – University of Florida, manual, 442p
Holland, J. H. (1992) Genetic Algorithms,
Kesur, K. B. (2009), Advances in Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Traffic Signals, Journal of Transportation Engineering 135, Issue 4, artigo, 14p
Lebdeh, G. A. e Benekohal, R. (1997), Development of Traffic Control and Queue Management Procedures for Oversaturated Arterials, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 1603, artigo, 9p
Lo, H. K, Chang E. e Chan, Yiu C. (2001) Dynamic Network traffic control, Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 35, Issue 8, artigo, 24p
Lopes, D.L. (2003), Viabilidade do Uso de Modelos Sintéticos Integrados de Uso de Solo e Transportes: Estudo de Aplicação à Cidade de São Paulo, Escola Politécnica da USP, tese mestrado, 177p
Medina, J. J. S., Moreno, M. J. G. e Royo, E. R. (2010) Traffic Signal Optimization in “La Almozara” District in Saragossa Under Congestion Conditions, Using Genetic Algorithms, Traffic Microsimulation, and Cluster Computing, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 11, Issue 1, artigo 10p
Mitchell, M. (1995) Genetic algorithms: An overview, Santa Fe Institute, artigo, 17p
Parl, B., Messer, C. e Urbanik, T. (2000) Enhanced Genetic Algorithm for Signal Timing Optimization of Oversaturated Intersections, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 1727, artigo, 10p
Park, B., Santra, P., Yun, I. e Lee D. H. (2004) Optimization of Time-of-Day Breakpoints for Better Traffic Signal Control, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 1867, artigo, 7p
Pohlmann, T. e Friedrich, B. (2010) A new online control strategy for signalized urban sub-networks, 12th World Congress on Transportation Research, artigo, 22p
Rennard, J. P. (2000), Introduction do Genetic Algorithms (, website educativo
Robertson, D. I. e Bretherton, R. D. (1991) Optimizing Networks of Traffic Signals in Real Time-The SCOOT Method, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Volume 40, Issue 1, artigo, 5p
Sun D; Benekohal, R. F. e Waller T. (2006) Bi-level Programming Formulation and Heuristic Solution Approach for Dynamic Traffic Signal Optimization, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Volume 21, Issue 5, artigo, 13p
Stevanovic, A., Martin P., e Stevanovic J. (2007) VisSim-Based Genetic Algorithm Optimization of Signal Timings, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Volume 2035, artigo, 10p
Teklu, F.; Sumalee, A.; Watling, D. (2007), A Genetic Algorithm Approach for Optimizing Traffic Control Signals Considering Routing, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, Volume 22, Issue 1, artigo, 13p
Vilanova, L. (2005a) Programação de um semáforo usando o método do grau de saturação, website instrucional Sinal de Trânsito (, artigo, 14p
Vilanova, L. (2005b) Fundamentos da programação semafórica, website instrucional Sinal de Trânsito ( – CET-SP, artigo, 20p
Como Citar
MUGNELA, Bruno Sarno; LOBO NETTO, Marcio.
GenPolis - Prototipagem e aplicação de uma ferramenta especializada para otimização via algoritmos genéticos de planos fixos de sinalização semafórica em sub-redes urbanas. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (SBSI), 8. , 2012, São Paulo.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 85-96.