Reliability Analysis with User Experience in Portal of Public Institution


Context: Technology has been used as a pillar of many governments, both in service provision and in information presentation and transparency, thus, the user experience in government tools is intrinsically linked to the population's reliability in government. Problem: The presentation of government data on portals that provide this service of communication and transparency with public resources does not always convey this trust and usability. Solution: This work conducts a survey on the transparency portal of the Ministry of Health, on usability categories during portal navigation and their correlation with the users’ trust in the government. IS theory: This research was developed based on the General Systems Theory, emphasizing the interactions between the parts of the system and the environment. Method: An opinion survey was carried out using the transparency portal of the Ministry of Health, with questions in order to obtain and analyze the data. Results: With the data collection presented, it appears that 72.5% of users believe that the government is unreliable given its experience in seeking information on the transparency portal of the Ministry of Health. Contribution: The main contribution of this work is to show the need for usability assessments of government tools, considering factors related to user experience, in order to create accessible tools, stimulating the active participation of individuals in society and the advancement of rendered services.

Palavras-chave: Health, User Experience, Reliability, Transparency Portal, Ministry of Health


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