Verification of Workflow Specifications in UML Using Automated Transformations to WF-nets

  • Lígia Maria Soares Passos UFU
  • Tarcísio Abadio de Magalhães Júnior UFU
  • Marcelo de Almeida Maia UFU
  • Stéphane Julia UFU


This article proposes the transformation of UML Activity Diagrams that models workflow processes into WF-nets (WorkFlow nets). The transformation is automated using the ATL transformation language, well-known in the model-driven development context. This transformation enables the verification of the soundness property for workflows using linear logic proofs in WF-net specifications. The generated proof trees also help finding possible causes for unsound diagrams. An illustrative case study is presented to demonstrate the approach effectiveness. The results from this paper could motivate the typical software company to introduce the rigor of formal verification using Petri Nets associated with linear logic without sacrificing the common practice of developers who can continue using UML notation integrated with industrial tools such as ATL.


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PASSOS, Lígia Maria Soares; MAGALHÃES JÚNIOR, Tarcísio Abadio de; MAIA, Marcelo de Almeida; JULIA, Stéphane. Verification of Workflow Specifications in UML Using Automated Transformations to WF-nets. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS DE INFORMAÇÃO (SBSI), 9. , 2013, João Pessoa. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2013 . p. 674-685. DOI: