Visual crime pattern analysis

  • Germain Garcia-Zanabria Universidad Católica San Pablo / USP
  • Luis Gustavo Nonato USP


Studying and analyzing crime patterns in big cities is a challenging Spatio-temporal problem. The problem’s difficulty is linked to different factors such as data modeling, unsophisticated hotspot detection techniques, Spatio-temporal patterns, and study delimitation. Previous works have mostly focused on the analysis of crimes with the intent of uncovering patterns associated to social factors, seasonality, and urban activities in whole districts, regions, and neighborhoods. Those tools can hardly allow micro-scale crime analysis closely related to crime opportunity, whose understanding is fundamental for planning preventive actions. Visualizing different patterns hidden in crime time series data is another issue in this context, mainly due to the number of patterns that can show up in the time series analysis. In this dissertation, we propose a set of approaches for interactive visual crime analysis. Relying on machine learning methods, statistical and mathematical mechanisms, and visualization, each proposed methodology focus on solving specific crime-related problems. These proposed tools to explore specific city locations turned out to be essential for domain experts to accomplish their analysis in a bottom-up fashion, revealing how urban features related to mobility, passerby behavior, and the presence of public infrastructures can influence the quantity and type of crimes. The effectiveness and usefulness of the proposed methodologies have been demonstrated with a comprehensive set of quantitative and qualitative analyses, as well as case studies performed by domain experts involving real data from different-sized cities. The experiments show the capability of our approaches in identifying different crime-related phenomena.


G. Garcıa-Zanabria, J. Silveira, J. Poco, A. Paiva, M. B. Nery, C. T. Silva, S. Adorno, and L. G. Nonato, "Crimanalyzer: Understanding crime patterns in são paulo," IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 2313-2328, 2019.

G. Garcia-Zanabria, E. Gomez-Nieto, J. Silveira, J. Poco, M. Nery, S. Adorno, and L. G. Nonato, "Mirante: A visualization tool for analyzing urban crimes," in 2020 33rd SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2020, pp. 148-155.

G. Garcia-Zanabria, M. M. Raimundo, J. Poco, M. B. Nery, C. T. Silva, S. Adorno, and L. G. Nonato, "Cripav: Street-level crime patterns analysis and visualization," IEEE Transactions on Visualization Computer Graphics, no. 1, pp. 1-14, 2020.
GARCIA-ZANABRIA, Germain; NONATO, Luis Gustavo. Visual crime pattern analysis. In: WORKSHOP DE TESES E DISSERTAÇÕES - CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 35. , 2022, Natal/RN. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 55-61. DOI: