Um Estudo Exploratório sobre Plataformas Digitais para Ecossistemas de Inovação Social no Brasil

  • Luciana Chueri UNIRIO
  • Anderson Afonso UNIRIO
  • Mariana Pinheiro UNIRIO
  • Mateus Lambranho Ramos UNIRIO
  • Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos UNIRIO


Due to the growing need for allowing different social innovation project actors to work in a coordinated and collaborative manner, the use of digital platforms has been considered as a great opportunity for social innovation ecosystems. However, in addition to technical issues, the existing challenges in the design and management of such platforms are combined with economic and social issues. This paper presents an exploratory study on real social innovation platforms to investigate technical, human and organizational factors. We expected that this study stimulates researchers and professionals to better design and manage such platforms in the context of social innovation.


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CHUERI, Luciana; AFONSO, Anderson ; PINHEIRO, Mariana ; RAMOS, Mateus Lambranho ; DOS SANTOS, Rodrigo Pereira. Um Estudo Exploratório sobre Plataformas Digitais para Ecossistemas de Inovação Social no Brasil. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE ASPECTOS SOCIAIS, HUMANOS E ECONÔMICOS DE SOFTWARE (WASHES), 5. , 2020, Cuiabá. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 81-90. ISSN 2763-874X. DOI: