360RAT: A Tool for Annotating Regions of Interest in 360-degree Videos

  • Myllena Prado UnB
  • Lucas Althoff UnB / Univ. of Poitiers
  • Sana Alamgeer UnB
  • Alessandro Rodrigues e Silva UnB / IFG
  • Ravi Prakash Univ. of Textas at Dallas
  • Marcelo M. Carvalho UnB
  • Mylène C. Q. Farias UnB


This paper introduces the software 360RAT as a tool for annotat ing regions of interest (RoIs) in 360-degree videos. These regions represent the portions of the video content that are important for telling a story throughout the video. We believe that this software is an invaluable tool for studying different aspects of 360-degree videos, including what viewers consider relevant and interesting to the experience. As part of this work, we conducted a subjective experiment in which 9 human observers used the proposed soft ware to annotate 11 360-degree videos. As a result, we created a dataset containing a set of annotated 360-degree videos, i.e., videos with marked RoIs and their semantic classification. We present a simple analysis of the annotations gathered with the experiment for a subset of the videos. We noticed that there is a higher agreement of annotations among participants for videos with fewer objects. We also compared the RoI maps with saliency maps computed with the Cube Padding saliency model. We found a strong correlation between RoI maps and computed saliency models, indicating a link between the annotated RoI and the saliency properties of the content.

Palavras-chave: 360-degree video, cinematic VR, attention guiding, user experience


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PRADO, Myllena; ALTHOFF, Lucas; ALAMGEER, Sana; RODRIGUES E SILVA, Alessandro; PRAKASH, Ravi; CARVALHO, Marcelo M.; FARIAS, Mylène C. Q.. 360RAT: A Tool for Annotating Regions of Interest in 360-degree Videos. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIMEDIA AND THE WEB (WEBMEDIA), 28. , 2022, Curitiba. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 291-299.

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