Novel Light Field Encoding Framework Based on Optical Flow and Phase Correlation

  • Iago Storch UFRGS
  • Douglas Corrêa UFPel
  • Igor Rosler UFPel
  • Daniel Palomino UFPel
  • Sergio Bampi UFRGS
  • Bruno Zatt UFPel


This work proposes a novel Light Field encoding framework based on optical flow and phase correlation. This encoder works by com bining one reference sub-aperture image (SAI) with optical flow and phase correlation information of a few SAIs to synthesize all SAIs of the Light Field. In order to improve the quality of the synthesized Light Field, an HEVC encoder is modified to encode synthesis error and add a quality enhancement layer. The proposed encoder out performs JPEG Pleno 4D Transform Mode encoder and the HEVC anchor in lower bitrates. Also, it can be easily adapted to the existing multimedia infrastructure.
Palavras-chave: pseudovideo sequences, light field compression, sub-aperture image synthesis, low-bitrate encoding


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STORCH, Iago; CORRÊA, Douglas; ROSLER, Igor; PALOMINO, Daniel; BAMPI, Sergio; ZATT, Bruno. Novel Light Field Encoding Framework Based on Optical Flow and Phase Correlation. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIMEDIA AND THE WEB (WEBMEDIA), 28. , 2022, Curitiba. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 311-317.

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