EXEHDA-RR - Machine Learning and MCDA with Semantic Web in IoT Resources Classification

  • Renato Dilli UFPEL
  • Huberto Kaiser Filho UFPEL
  • Ana Marilza Pernas UFPEL
  • Adenauer C. Yamin UFPEL


Currently, a lot of resources are connected to the Internet, many simultaneously requesting and providing services. The adequate selection of resources that best meet the demands of users with a broad range of options has been a relevant and current research challenge. Based on the non-functional parameters of QoS play a significant role in the ranking of these resources according to the services they offer. This paper aims to aggregate machine learning in the pre-classification of EXEHDA middleware resources, to reduce the computational cost generated by MCDA algorithms. We presented the proposed software architecture (EXEHDA-RR), and the obtained results with the integration of machine learning in the classification process are promissing, and indicate to the research continuation.
DILLI, Renato; FILHO, Huberto Kaiser; PERNAS, Ana Marilza; YAMIN, Adenauer C.. EXEHDA-RR - Machine Learning and MCDA with Semantic Web in IoT Resources Classification. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 23. , 2017, Gramado. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 293-300.