When the Theory is Applied: An Experience Report of the Application of Software Development Methodologies within the PETComp Group at UFMA

  • Italo Dovera UFMA
  • Matheus Bessa UFMA
  • Brenno Nascimento UFMA
  • Felipe Silva UFMA
  • Rafaela Gomes UFMA
  • Geraldo Braz Junior UFMA
  • Adriana Nogueira UFMA
  • Luis Rivero UFMA


In computing, there is a fast and constant advance of new software development tools, which leads professionals in the area to also constantly improve their knowledge of these new tools. However, this rapid evolution makes it difficult for development teams to choose an efficient methodology. In this context, this article aims to report the experience of developing systems, in addition to presenting tools and methodologies that help groups beginning in this process. The team of the Computer Tutorial Education Program (PETComp) at the Federal University of Maranhão defined a training and development process, with functions divided between development and design teams. In all, a team of students with low experience in development carried out activities such as: prototyping, validation meetings and learning of tools. As a result, websites for events, websites for undergraduate courses and mobile applications were created.
Keywords: Experience Report, Development Process, Tutorial Education Program, Applied Teaching and Practice Methodology


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DOVERA, Italo; BESSA, Matheus; NASCIMENTO, Brenno; SILVA, Felipe; GOMES, Rafaela; BRAZ JUNIOR, Geraldo; NOGUEIRA, Adriana; RIVERO, Luis. When the Theory is Applied: An Experience Report of the Application of Software Development Methodologies within the PETComp Group at UFMA. In: WORKSHOP ON COMPUTING EDUCATION (WEI), 30. , 2022, Niterói. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 121-132. ISSN 2595-6175. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/wei.2022.223278.