Uma investigação da percepção de docentes do ensino superior em computação sobre o Ensino Baseado em Competências: um recorte no Estado da Bahia

  • Leandro S. Cruz UFBA
  • José A. M. Santos UEFS
  • Lais N. Salvador UFBA


Competency-based learning (CBE) is an approach that promotes selfdirected learning and establishes a connection between the academic and the professional. In contrast to traditional education, which is characterized by a content-driven approach and a grade-based assessment system, EBC emphasizes the development of practical skills and the application of knowledge in reallife contexts. This paper seeks to analyze computer science teachers’ perceptions of EBC. The research was conducted through a questionnaire, employing a hybrid method that integrated qualitative and quantitative methods. The results obtained revealed that the faculty members have varied and balanced views regarding the EBC. The results provide valuable insights that can assist in developing strategies and promoting an effective approach aligned with the demands of the labor market.


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CRUZ, Leandro S.; SANTOS, José A. M.; SALVADOR, Lais N.. Uma investigação da percepção de docentes do ensino superior em computação sobre o Ensino Baseado em Competências: um recorte no Estado da Bahia. In: WORKSHOP ON COMPUTING AT SCHOOL (WIE), 29. , 2023, Passo Fundo/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 940-951. DOI: