Interdisciplinarity in an extension course as a form of female empowerment in computing

  • Sara L. de Farias IF GOIANO
  • Maria Isabela S. Nunes IF GOIANO
  • Thalia S. de Santana IF GOIANO
  • Natália do C. Louzada IF GOIANO
  • Ramayane B. Braga IF GOIANO
  • Adriano H. Braga IF GOIANO


During the year 2020, due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19, an entirely online course was offered with free registration for any participants. The course's programmatic content covered mainly the following themes: Introduction to Feminist Studies, History of Women in Computing and Computational Thinking, totaling a workload of 100 hours. The initiative reached participants from 17 Brazilian states, who evaluated it as socially important, especially for its interdisciplinary approach to content is often not addressed in regular courses.

Keywords: Computing, Empowerment, Women, Interdisciplinarity, Extension


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FARIAS, Sara L. de; NUNES, Maria Isabela S.; SANTANA, Thalia S. de; LOUZADA, Natália do C.; BRAGA, Ramayane B.; BRAGA, Adriano H.. Interdisciplinarity in an extension course as a form of female empowerment in computing. In: WOMEN IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (WIT), 15. , 2021, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 260-264. ISSN 2763-8626. DOI: