Performance analysis on free cloud services using AWS and GCP providers

  • Karina Wiechork Farroupilha Federal Institute
  • Darlan Eziquiel Felisberto da Silva Farroupilha Federal Institute
  • Marco Antoni Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul


Cloud computing provides on-demand and pay-as-you-go services. Analyzing the performance of these providers is an important indicator that should be investigated before targeting the migration of a system to a cloud environment. This article aims to analyze and present the performance of IaaS, FaaS and PaaS, using the free option, in the cloud providers AWS and GCP. Based on the tested configurations, the results show that the Amazon provider performed better compared to Google.
Keywords: Cloud Computing Performance, Infrastructure as a Service, Function as a service, Platform as a Service


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WIECHORK, Karina; SILVA, Darlan Eziquiel Felisberto da; ANTONI, Marco. Performance analysis on free cloud services using AWS and GCP providers. In: WORKSHOP ON PERFORMANCE OF COMPUTER AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (WPERFORMANCE), 20. , 2021, Evento Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 131-136. ISSN 2595-6167. DOI: