Collection and Analysis of data for Inter-domain Traffic Engineering

  • Juan Camilo Cardona IMDEA Networks Institute
  • Pierre Francois Cisco Systems
  • Paolo Lucente Cisco Systems


Inter-domain IP traffic engineering requires the collection and analysis of data that is distributed among multiple network platforms. This process is usually considered complex for network operators and limits the efficiency that traffic management methods can achieve. The introduction of Software Define Networks may change this rigid context, as it is pushing operators to request flexible routing system architectures. In the future, the network operation team might have the resources to obtain, maintain, and analyze a rich variety of data from within and outside their networks. Without the need to change many of their routing devices, such data can be leveraged to implement more complex inter-domain TE applications. In this paper, we review the process of data collection and management required to benefit from such techniques. Additionally, we describe various enhanced TE applications, providing details of one of them in a case study.


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CARDONA, Juan Camilo; FRANCOIS, Pierre; LUCENTE, Paolo. Collection and Analysis of data for Inter-domain Traffic Engineering. In: WORKSHOP PRÉ-IETF (WPIETF), 1. , 2014, Brasília. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2014 . p. 7-16. ISSN 2595-6388.