Detection and localization of mobile robots in intelligent spaces using artificial neural networks

  • Mateus Sobrinho Menines UFES
  • Antonio Marcos Mutz Entringer IFES
  • Leornador de Assis Silva IFES
  • Fabricio Bertolini de Sá IFES
  • Vinícios Hernech Izabel UFES
  • Raquel Frizera Vassallo UFES


The increasing impact of technology on daily and industrial activities, with a special focus on mobile robotics, has become increasingly evident in scenarios where collaboration between humans and machines is essential for the well-being of society. This work proposes the development of a detection and position reconstruction method for mobile robots in intelligent spaces with multiple cameras, using convolutional neural networks instead of physical markers. This aims to provide an alternative means of robot localization and monitoring, with the goal of generating precise position and orientation data, eliminating the need to rely on markers for this purpose. The article describes the localization method using convolutional neural networks and includes location error experiments to validate the proposed approach.

Keywords: mobile robotics, intelligent space, detection, convolutional neural networks


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MENINES, Mateus Sobrinho; ENTRINGER, Antonio Marcos Mutz; SILVA, Leornador de Assis; SÁ, Fabricio Bertolini de; IZABEL, Vinícios Hernech; VASSALLO, Raquel Frizera. Detection and localization of mobile robots in intelligent spaces using artificial neural networks. In: WORKSHOP ON COMPUTATIONAL VISION (WVC), 18. , 2023, São Bernardo do Campo/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 72-77. DOI:

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