Informações de UX no trabalho diário de uma equipe ágil: uma análise baseada em cognição distribuída
Este documento apresenta uma síntese do artigo "UX information in the daily work of an agile team: A distributed cognition analysis" publicado no International Journal of Human Computer Studies. O objetivo do artigo foi investigar como as informações de UX são transmitidas no trabalho diário de uma equipe ágil e quais são as características dessas informações.
experiência do usuário, informações de UX, time ágil, sistema cognitivo, fluxo de informações, cognição distribuída
Tiago S. da Silva, Milene S. Silveira, Frank Maurer, and Fábio F. Silveira. 2018. The evolution of agile UXD. Information and Software Technology 102 (2018), 1–5.
Jennifer Ferreira, Helen Sharp, and Hugh Robinson. 2012. Agile Development and User Experience Design Integration as an Ongoing Achievement in Practice. In 2012 Agile Conference. 11–20.
Dominic Furniss and Ann Blandford. 2006. Understanding emergency medical dispatch in terms of distributed cognition: A case study. Ergonomics 49, 12-13 (2006), 1174–1203.
Andrei Garcia, Tiago Silva da Silva, and Milene Selbach Silveira. 2017. Artifacts for Agile User-Centered Design: A Systematic Mapping. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017).
Jesse James Garrett. 2010. The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond (2nd ed.). New Riders Publishing, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
Marc Hassenzahl. 2018. The Thing and I (Summer of ’17 Remix): From Usability to Enjoyment. 17–31.
James Hollan, Edwin Hutchins, and David Kirsh. 2000. Distributed Cognition: Toward a New Foundation for Human-Computer Interaction Research. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 7 (2000), 174–196.
Gabriela Jurca, Theodore D. Hellmann, and Frank Maurer. 2014. Integrating Agile and User-Centered Design: A Systematic Mapping and Review of Evaluation and Validation Studies of Agile-UX. In 2014 Agile Conference. 24–32.
Helen Sharp, Yvonne Dittrich, and Cleidson R. B. de Souza. 2016. The Role of Ethnographic Studies in Empirical Software Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 42, 8 (Aug 2016), 786–804.
Jennifer Ferreira, Helen Sharp, and Hugh Robinson. 2012. Agile Development and User Experience Design Integration as an Ongoing Achievement in Practice. In 2012 Agile Conference. 11–20.
Dominic Furniss and Ann Blandford. 2006. Understanding emergency medical dispatch in terms of distributed cognition: A case study. Ergonomics 49, 12-13 (2006), 1174–1203.
Andrei Garcia, Tiago Silva da Silva, and Milene Selbach Silveira. 2017. Artifacts for Agile User-Centered Design: A Systematic Mapping. In Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (2017).
Jesse James Garrett. 2010. The Elements of User Experience: User-Centered Design for the Web and Beyond (2nd ed.). New Riders Publishing, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
Marc Hassenzahl. 2018. The Thing and I (Summer of ’17 Remix): From Usability to Enjoyment. 17–31.
James Hollan, Edwin Hutchins, and David Kirsh. 2000. Distributed Cognition: Toward a New Foundation for Human-Computer Interaction Research. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 7 (2000), 174–196.
Gabriela Jurca, Theodore D. Hellmann, and Frank Maurer. 2014. Integrating Agile and User-Centered Design: A Systematic Mapping and Review of Evaluation and Validation Studies of Agile-UX. In 2014 Agile Conference. 24–32.
Helen Sharp, Yvonne Dittrich, and Cleidson R. B. de Souza. 2016. The Role of Ethnographic Studies in Empirical Software Engineering. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 42, 8 (Aug 2016), 786–804.
Como Citar
ZAINA, Luciana A. M.; SHARP, Helen; BARROCA, Leonor.
Informações de UX no trabalho diário de uma equipe ágil: uma análise baseada em cognição distribuída. In: ARTIGOS INTERNACIONAIS - SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO SOBRE FATORES HUMANOS EM SISTEMAS COMPUTACIONAIS (IHC), 21. , 2022, Diamantina.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 239-240.