Redução do Erro de Representação em Sensoriamento Compressivo com Modelos Generativos Usando Ajuste por Pivô

  • João V. D. Sobrinho UFRJ
  • Igor D. Alvarenga UFRJ
  • Miguel Elias M. Campista UFRJ


Reducing the transmitted data volume is essential for implementing networks with resource-limited and energy-constrained devices. In this sense, compressive sensing becomes a powerful alternative, as it moves the most com putationally complex task to the central server node, in contrast to the traditi onal compression scheme. Recently, a combination of compressive sensing and generative models appeared, giving rise to CSGM (Compressive Sensing using Generative Models). Although CSGM reduces the reconstruction error, it intro duces the so-called representation error. This paper proposes a technique based on model retraining in decompression time to reduce the representation error in CSGM. In this way, expanding the scope of the generative model to include the desired signal becomes possible. The results show performance gains in sig nal reconstruction of up to 30% compared with Deep Image Prior (DIP) and Wavelet Thresholding (WT) techniques, traditionally used in the literature.


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D. SOBRINHO, João V.; ALVARENGA, Igor D.; CAMPISTA, Miguel Elias M.. Redução do Erro de Representação em Sensoriamento Compressivo com Modelos Generativos Usando Ajuste por Pivô. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER NETWORKS AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (SBRC), 41. , 2023, Brasília/DF. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 337-350. ISSN 2177-9384. DOI:

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