A Novel Stop Criterion to Support Efficient Multi-Robot Mapping

  • Guillermo Amorín UDELAR
  • Facundo Benavides UDELAR
  • Eduardo Grmapin UDELAR


The exploration of an unknown environment is a classical and essential challenge in mobile robotics. Typically, the overall exploration time is the most commonly used quality indicator. Choosing a stop exploration criterion represents a critical issue, and the simple rule of exploring until reaching a given coverage percentage is useful only on simulations, but futile in practice. In this work we propose a stop criterion based on the expected information gain of the exploring fleet; we show that every component of the fleet can autonomously check whether there are reachable cells from where new information can be gathered, and this fact can be used to take a decision. We measure the exploring area error introduced by the stop decision, concluding that the proposal is feasible, while improvable. Certainly, the stop decisions are taken autonomously, and we understand that a cooperative approach may further improve the proposal. The experiments that support this work are built using ROS over the MORSE physical simulator.
Palavras-chave: Task analysis, Robot kinematics, Proposals, Resource management, Robot sensing systems, Monitoring
AMORÍN, Guillermo; BENAVIDES, Facundo; GRMAPIN, Eduardo. A Novel Stop Criterion to Support Efficient Multi-Robot Mapping. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 16. , 2019, Rio Grande. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . p. 368-373.