Trajectory Generation Module Design for Robot Manipulators

  • Gabriel Souza UFU
  • Gustavo Dutra ENSMM
  • Jose Jean-Paul Zanlucchi UFU


Following the technology demands created by Industry 4.0, robot manipulator popularity has increased significantly. One of the crucial aspects on its application is the calculation of a suitable and efficient trajectory to the objective states, converting action plans into control references for the robot system controller. This paper presents the development of a generic trajectory planner, were simple and generic techniques are favored for maintenance and portability, thus it was created as an independent module to be included as part of a modular generic architecture that wields those advantages. It’s composed of two nested processes, the first responsible for generating a point-by-point trajectory and the following, an internal process responsible for calculating a satisfactory set of controller references to achieve the generated trajectory point, using a numerical optimization approach. The explored optimization technique is based on using the robots Direct Geometric Model (DGM) and the Jacobian pseudo-inverse, to iterate searching for local minima in the error surface, using the pseudo-inverse to direct the actuator references towards a solution. A didactic example is presented to clarify on the required information and steps, and to observe parameter effects on behavior and results. A discussion of restrictions and optimized solutions is also carried along the text.
Palavras-chave: Robots, Trajectory, Planning, Jacobian matrices, Mathematical model, Computer architecture, Optimization, Robotics, Trajectory Generation, Numerical Methods, Movement Planning Module
SOUZA, Gabriel; DUTRA, Gustavo; ZANLUCCHI, Jose Jean-Paul. Trajectory Generation Module Design for Robot Manipulators. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 17. , 2020, Natal. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2020 . p. 73-78.