Autonomous Navigation System for a Wall-painting Robot based on Map Corners
Wall-painting is an important task in construction that has an increasing necessity for automation. This paper presents a navigation system for a wall-painting robot based on map corners. Using an occupancy grid map as input of the system, the proposed method is able to generate a path following the walls of the environment. The main advantage of the proposed methodology is the ability to work in non-convex and open maps. The system is implemented as a ROS package and is integrated with the ROS navigation stack. The method is tested in a simulator developed using ROS and Gazebo, a virtual environment that simulates the physics and dynamics of robotic systems.
Robots, Robot sensing systems, Navigation, Robot kinematics, Mobile robots, Sensors, Generators
Como Citar
SOARES, João Carlos; ABATI, Gabriel; LIMA, Gustavo Henrique; MEGGIOLARO, Marco Antonio.
Autonomous Navigation System for a Wall-painting Robot based on Map Corners. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 17. , 2020, Natal.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 102-107.