Control Tunning Approach and Digital Filter Application for Competitive Line Follower Robot

  • Johann S. J. C. C. Amorim CEFET-RJ
  • Jefferson H. O. Fernandes CEFET-RJ
  • André L. C. Canella CEFET-RJ
  • Tatiana M. B. Santos UFF
  • José Lima Instituto Politécnico de Bragança / INESC Technology and Science
  • Milena F. Pinto CEFET-RJ


This research describes the development of a control strategy to optimize a competitive line follower robot for standard races. The innovative approach stems from the WolfBotz team at CEFET/RJ, presenting a thorough exploration of mathematical foundations, hardware design, control analysis, and how to implement this system in a microcontroller. This research complements a previous work that shows all the regulations used in Brazilian competitions and describes the controllers used in the system, such as angular and linear control. This research emphasizes all the changes between the two versions of Line Follower robots. The emphasis on mathematical foundations and integrating digital signal processing techniques like digital filters set the stage for robust sensor data interpretation. The tuning and optimization of dual controllers for track stability and linear velocity regulation represent a significant innovation, augmenting the robot’s overall performance.
Palavras-chave: Line Follower, PID, Digital Filters, Wheeled Robot
AMORIM, Johann S. J. C. C.; FERNANDES, Jefferson H. O.; CANELLA, André L. C.; SANTOS, Tatiana M. B.; LIMA, José; PINTO, Milena F.. Control Tunning Approach and Digital Filter Application for Competitive Line Follower Robot. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 15. , 2023, Salvador/BA. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 597-602.