Computational system as support in the collection and management of environmental health surveillance data: an application in the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE, Brazil


Context: Environmental health surveillance, regulated by the National Health Foundation (FUNASA), seeks to promote, monitor and evaluate detection, prevention and intervention actions in environmental conditions that interfere with the population's health. Problem: The municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE, within the scope of environmental health surveillance, monitors and evaluates its location through a physical bulletin. However, in the face of this process, there is difficulty in organizing, structuring and analyzing the collected data. Thus, impairing decision-making and the direction of actions. Solution: This work proposes a computational system to support the monitoring and evaluation processes of environmental health surveillance actions in the municipality of Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE. IS theory: Theory of work systems. Method: The Design Thinking method was used to design the system, considering the steps of: immersion; ideation; prototyping; and development. The study was based on a descriptive approach, with a quantitative character. Summary of Results: A system composed of: a mobile application, a web interface and a data management server were developed. The use of the system, through 10 environmental health agents, in a pilot project, resulted in the collection of data from 8098 locations. The data collected represented factors that interfere with human health, such as: environmental risks; the presence of scorpions; and breeding grounds for the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Contributions and Impact in the IS area: The system provided a structure that enabled agents, supervisors and managers to organize and optimize their workflow, allowing the observation of intervention actions that directly impact the health conditions of the Jaboatão population.

Palavras-chave: app web, app mobile, geolocation, maps, kernel density estimation


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