SmartNode Dashboard: A Node-RED-based front-end framework for creating City Dashboards

  • Cesimar Dias IFRN
  • Frederico Lopes UFRN
  • Jair Leite UFRN


This work presents the SmartNode Dashboard (SND), a tool based on front-end technologies for creation of intelligent dashboards. SND has implemented design and interface web standards focused on content with reusable structures. In addition, a case study was created using Node-RED as an execution platform. As a result of this work, SmartNode Dashboard was developed, a framework for creating standardized and extensible interfaces. In addition, it offers dashboard developers a methodology for using the framework with Node- RED to facilitate and extend teams ability to perform performance, time and quality in creating dashboards.


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DIAS, Cesimar; LOPES, Frederico; LEITE, Jair. SmartNode Dashboard: A Node-RED-based front-end framework for creating City Dashboards. In: BRAZILIAN WORKSHOP ON INTELLIGENT CITIES (WBCI), 2. , 2019, Belém. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2019 . DOI: