Evaluating LeGaL - An NCL extension for representing Location-Based Games

  • Cristiane Ferreira UFC
  • Carlos Salles UFMA
  • Luís Santos UFC
  • Fernando Trinta UFC
  • Windson Viana UFC


A pervasive game extends its experience beyond the virtual world by extrapolating its boundaries to the player’s physical world. One outstanding example of pervasive games is the Location-Based Game (LBG) genre, which takes into account the players’ geographic position in the game rules and mechanics. In this paper, we present an initial evaluation of LEGaL, a language to model and represent the structure and multimedia contents of LBGs. LEGaL allows the modeling of mission-based games by supporting spatial and temporal relationships between game elements. In fact, LEGaL is an extension of NCL (Nested Context Language). We evaluated the proposed language with a group of five NCL developers aiming at investigating if LEGaL is still NCL-friendly. Results indicate LEGal is easily used by this kind of developers.
Keywords: Location-based games, NCL, game modeling, multimedia document
FERREIRA, Cristiane; SALLES, Carlos; SANTOS, Luís; TRINTA, Fernando; VIANA, Windson. Evaluating LeGaL - An NCL extension for representing Location-Based Games. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIMEDIA AND THE WEB (WEBMEDIA), 23. , 2017, Gramado. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 65-68.

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