TV-Health - A Context-Aware Health Care Application for Brazilian Digital TV

  • Vitor Lopes IFCE
  • Eliezio Queiroz IFCE
  • Nicodemos Freitas IFCE
  • Mauro Oliveira IFCE
  • Odorico Monteiro UFC


The home care consists in a form of primary care performed by a lay caregiver, a specialist or a multidisciplinary team. This modality is applied in elderly people or patients in treatment of chronic disease who are not at risk of death. The aim of this work is to present a set of context-aware health applications in a prototype of software and hardware that will assist caregivers and/or patients in home care situations. For this, a Set-Top Box (STB) connected to a TV with access to the Internet is used as a way of user interaction, which may enter information about its current state. Furthermore, health sensors can be used to capture data continuously to feed the system. The raw data and information provided by the user are later used, allowing, then, an inference about the patient condition.
Keywords: Health Applications; Home Care; Set-Top Box
LOPES, Vitor; QUEIROZ, Eliezio; FREITAS, Nicodemos; OLIVEIRA, Mauro; MONTEIRO, Odorico. TV-Health - A Context-Aware Health Care Application for Brazilian Digital TV. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON MULTIMEDIA AND THE WEB (WEBMEDIA), 22. , 2016, Teresina. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2016 . p. 103-106.