Geração Dinâmica de Conteúdo Personalizado para Sites de Notícias

  • Jonh Ney Barbosa de Sousa IFCE
  • Paulo Artur de Sousa Duarte IFCE
  • Gisele Pereira dos Santos IFCE
  • Ítalo Romeiro Wanderley IFCE
  • Francisco Ari Josino Júnior IFCE
  • Priscylla da Silva Tavares IFCE
  • Davi Jucimon Monteiro IFCE
  • Cidcley Teixeira de Souza IFCE


The press newspaper is suffering a severe crisis that was established with the advent of the Internet, which brought the spread of free high quality news. Even their online versions are facing major problems to gather resources. Experts believe that the future of online newspapers is a greater interaction with the user and the use of personal advertising. This paper presents an architectural model for generating personalized content oriented for news sites. Therefore, this aims at increasing the flexibility of the structure of online newspapers in order to encourage all sides of this issue, increasing convenience to the user while generating a more robust revenue stream to the newspapers.
SOUSA, Jonh Ney Barbosa de; DUARTE, Paulo Artur de Sousa; SANTOS, Gisele Pereira dos; WANDERLEY, Ítalo Romeiro; JOSINO JÚNIOR, Francisco Ari; TAVARES, Priscylla da Silva; MONTEIRO, Davi Jucimon; SOUZA, Cidcley Teixeira de. Geração Dinâmica de Conteúdo Personalizado para Sites de Notícias. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE SISTEMAS MULTIMÍDIA E WEB (WEBMEDIA), 16. , 2010, Belo Horizonte. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2010 . p. 13-16.