The Companion Proceedings of the 18th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia 2012) bring the papers selected and presented at the workshops of the edition of the event held in São Paulo, October 15 to 18, 2012. The 12th Workshop on Ongoing Thesis and Dissertations (WTD 2012) received a total of 19 submissions. Eight papers were selected, resulting in an acceptance rate of 42.1%. The 9th Workshop on Undergraduate Research Work (WTIC 2012) received a total of 20 submissions. Thirteen papers were selected, resulting in an acceptance rate of 65%. The 11th Workshop on Tools and Applications (WFA 2012) received a total of 16 submissions. At the end of the review process, 8 tools or applications were selected.

For more information about WebMedia 2012, visit the website of the event.

For accessing the main proceedings, visit the series Main Proceedings of WebMedia 2012.

Published: 2012-10-15

Workshop on Ongoing Thesis and Dissertations

Workshop on Undergraduate Research Work

Workshop on Tools and Applications