Current Issue

2019: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Regulation, Conformity Assessment and Safety Certification

The Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Regulation, Conformity Assessment and Safety Certification (WRAC+ 2019) bring the papers selected and presented in the edition of the event held with the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Information and Computational Systems Security (SBSeg 2019) in São Paulo/SP, from September 2 to 5. The event's program committee was coordinated by Lucila Bento (Inmetro) and Raphael Machado (Inmetro), who organized this volume. The articles in this volume were submitted on 07/17/2019, accepted for publication on 08/07/2019, with the final version submitted on 08/12/2019.

You can find more information about WRAC+ 2019 by visiting the website of the event.

Published: 2019-09-02
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