Even Boosting Stereotypes Increase The Gender Gap in Gamified Tutoring Systems: An Analysis of Self Self-efficacy, Flow and Learning

  • Maria Takeshita UFAL
  • Geiser Challco USP
  • Marcelo Reis UFAL
  • Jário Santos USP
  • Seiji Isotani USP
  • Ig Bittencourt UFAL


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Takeshita, M., Challco, G.C., Reis, M., Santos, J., Isotani, S., Bittencourt, I.I. (2023). Even Boosting Stereotypes Increase the Gender Gap in Gamified Tutoring Systems: An Analysis of Self-efficacy, Flow and Learning. In: Wang, N., Rebolledo-Mendez, G., Dimitrova, V., Matsuda, N., Santos, O.C. (eds) Artificial Intelligence in Education. Posters and Late Breaking Results, Workshops and Tutorials, Industry and Innovation Tracks, Practitioners, Doctoral Consortium and Blue Sky. AIED 2023. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1831. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-36336-8_114
TAKESHITA, Maria; CHALLCO, Geiser; REIS, Marcelo; SANTOS, Jário; ISOTANI, Seiji; BITTENCOURT, Ig. Even Boosting Stereotypes Increase The Gender Gap in Gamified Tutoring Systems: An Analysis of Self Self-efficacy, Flow and Learning. In: CONCURSO ALEXANDRE DIRENE (CTD-IE) - DISSERTAÇÕES DE MESTRADO - CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO (CBIE), 12. , 2023, Passo Fundo/RS. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2023 . p. 62-62. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/cbie_estendido.2023.234557.