Protocolo para Disseminação de Dados em VANETs baseado em Métricas de Redes Complexas: Um Estudo de Caso com Sistema de Gerenciamento de Trânsito

  • Joahannes Costa UFPA / UNICAMP
  • Denis Rosário UFPA
  • Allan M. de Souza UNICAMP
  • Leandro A. Villas UNICAMP
  • Eduardo Cerqueira UFPA


Several services in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs), such as Traffic Management Systems (TMS), require disseminated information among vehicles for efficient decision-making. However, data dissemination is a challenging task due to the specific characteristics of VANETs, such as heterogeneous density, short-range communication, and high node mobility. In this paper, we introduce a data dissemination protocol for urban scenarios that considers complex network metrics, called DDRX. The simulation results show that DDRX offers high coverage, lower number of transmissions and delay compared to other well-known dissemination protocols. In addition, when applied to a TMS, it allows vehicles to stay less time in congestion, have less travel time and reach higher speeds.



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COSTA, Joahannes; ROSÁRIO, Denis; SOUZA, Allan M. de; VILLAS, Leandro A.; CERQUEIRA, Eduardo. Protocolo para Disseminação de Dados em VANETs baseado em Métricas de Redes Complexas: Um Estudo de Caso com Sistema de Gerenciamento de Trânsito. In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER NETWORKS AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (SBRC), 36. , 2018, Campos do Jordão. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2018 . p. 1061-1074. ISSN 2177-9384. DOI:

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