Volume-based Transition Zone Assessment of Hybrid Unmanned Aerial-Underwater Vehicles

  • Vivian Misaki Aoki FURG
  • Paulo Jefferson Dias De Oliveira Evald FURG
  • Pedro Miranda Pinheiro FURG
  • César Bastos Da Silva UNICAMP
  • Dayana Dos Santos Cardoso FURG
  • Mauro André Barbosa Cunha IF Sul-rio-grandense
  • Paulo Lilles Jorge Drews FURG


Quadrotors have been used in diverse areas, such as agriculture, civil construction, fire monitoring, and so on. However, these vehicles cannot perform missions that require navigation in aquatic environments, such as inspection of underwater structures and water sample collection, due to their hardware limitations. Therefore, hybrid unmanned aerial-underwater vehicles emerge as a feasible solution to accomplish these missions. Although quadrotors have well-accepted mathematical models, hybrid vehicles have a small quantity of works dealing with this topic. Moreover, we identified a gap in transition zone representation. Therefore, this paper presents a method for transition zone modeling based on vehicle geometry. Simulation results support the better representation of the proposed transition model in comparison to a sigmoid model.
Palavras-chave: Underwater structures, Navigation, Simulation, Force, Inspection, Mathematical models, Hardware, Hybrid aerial-aquatic vehicles, Autonomous unmanned vehicles, Transition zone
AOKI, Vivian Misaki; EVALD, Paulo Jefferson Dias De Oliveira; PINHEIRO, Pedro Miranda; SILVA, César Bastos Da; CARDOSO, Dayana Dos Santos; CUNHA, Mauro André Barbosa; DREWS, Paulo Lilles Jorge. Volume-based Transition Zone Assessment of Hybrid Unmanned Aerial-Underwater Vehicles. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 19. , 2022, São Bernardo do Campo/SP. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2022 . p. 67-72.