Path planning for ground robots based on radio signal strength
Communication is one of the most critical areas in robot operations, especially in environments unsuitable for humans, such as confined spaces. Maintaining a constant connection between robot and base ensures that these operations go as expected, reducing the risk of accidents, damage, and the need to rescue the robot. Thus, this paper proposes a path planner that ensures that the robot travels only through locations with the best radio signal. For this, we construct a graph using the information from the fusion of a radio signal map and an occupancy grid map. We then use bidirectional Dijkstra's algorithm to compare two paths computed using different metrics: one associated with a shorter distance and another aiming for radio signal quality improvement. Finally, we present the results of tests performed in a laboratory, showing the feasibility of the path planner based on the radio signal quality.
Measurement, Interpolation, Conferences, Education, Path planning, Space exploration, Robots, Communication, Mapping, Navigation
Como Citar
CID, André Luiz Maciel; SATHLER, Maurício Souza; DELUNARDO, Mário; DOMINGUES, Jacó; PESSIN, Gustavo; AZPÚRUAL, Héctor; FREITAS, Gustavo.
Path planning for ground robots based on radio signal strength. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE ROBÓTICA E SIMPÓSIO LATINO AMERICANO DE ROBÓTICA (SBR/LARS), 19. , 2022, São Bernardo do Campo/SP.
Anais [...].
Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação,
p. 151-156.