Portal da Amazônia: A Systemic Solution for the Control of Academic Assets (Contents)

  • Alexandre Monassa UFPA
  • Ewelton Y. C. Yoshidome UFPA
  • Maurício Souza UFPA
  • Paulo Rudolph UFPA
  • Vitor P. Feitosa UFPA
  • Wallace M. P. Lira UFPA
  • Arnaldo C. Prado Junior UFPA
  • Sandro Oliveira UFPA


Portal da Amazônia is a web-based environment for the concentration and publication of academic, scientific, cultural and artistic content of the Amazon region, representing a systemic solution for the availability of these contents in a concise, validated and three-language format. This article presents the Portal da Amazônia (its flow, operation), will discuss its development and presented new trends that can be applied to the product.


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MONASSA, Alexandre; YOSHIDOME, Ewelton Y. C.; SOUZA, Maurício; RUDOLPH, Paulo; FEITOSA, Vitor P.; LIRA, Wallace M. P.; PRADO JUNIOR, Arnaldo C.; OLIVEIRA, Sandro. Portal da Amazônia: A Systemic Solution for the Control of Academic Assets (Contents). In: BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON INFORMATION SYSTEMS (SBSI), 5. , 2009, Brasília. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2009 . p. 169-180. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5753/sbsi.2009.6175.