Visualization, Interaction and Simulation Lab

  • Carla M. D. S. Freitas UFRGS
  • Luciana Nedel UFRGS
  • Anderson Maciel UFRGS


The Visualization, Interaction, and Simulation Laboratory (VISLab) at UFRGS is majorly concerned with data visualization and human-computer interaction research. Research on data visualization focuses on the development of information visualization techniques and their application to different domains. Studies on interaction emphasize non-conventional, 3D interaction and haptics in the context of virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications. We integrate these two areas into immersive analytics research and develop data visualization and novel interaction techniques based on VR and AR technologies. The main goal of our projects is to enhance the human with computers, extending the perception capabilities and improving the human power of action in a natural way. In this paper, we present our research focus and strategy to move towards that goal. We also briefly describe and illustrate some recent works developed in the lab.


A. S. Spritzer and C. M. D. S. Freitas, “Design and evaluation of magnetviz: A graph visualization tool,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 18, pp. 822–835, 2012.

R. Cava, C. M. Freitas, E. Barboni, P. Palanque, and M. Winckler, “Inside-in search: an alternative for performing ancillary search tasks on the web,” in 2014 9th Latin American Web Congress. IEEE, 2014, pp. 91–99.

R. Cava and C. D. S. Freitas, “Glyphs in matrix representation of graphs for displaying soccer games results,” in The 1st Workshop on Sports Data Visualization. IEEE, vol. 13, 2013, p. 15.

R. Cava, C. M. D. S. Freitas, and M. Winckler, “Clustervis: visualizing nodes attributes in multivariate graphs,” in Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 2017, pp. 174–179.

A. Menin, R. Cava, C. M. D. S. Freitas, O. Corby, and M. Winckler, “Towards a Visual Approach for Representing Analytical Provenance in Exploration Processes,” in 25th International Conference Information Visualisation, 2021.

F. G. de Borja and C. M. D. S. Freitas, “Civisanalysis: Interactive visualization for exploring roll call data and representatives’ voting behaviour,” in Proceedings of the 2015 28th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images, ser. SIBGRAPI ’15. USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2015, p. 257–264. [Online]. Available:

R. Nunes Moni da Silva, A. Spritzer, and C. Dal Sasso Freitas, “Visualization of roll call data for supporting analyses of political profiles,” in 2018 31st SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2018, pp. 150–157.

M. F. Rey and C. M. Freitas, “Interactive visualizations to support randomized clinical trial monitoring,” in 2021 34th SIBGRAPI Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI), 2021, to appear.

J. G. Grandi, H. G. Debarba, L. Nedel, and A. Maciel, “Design and evaluation of a handheld-based 3d user interface for collaborative object manipulation,” in Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ser. CHI ’17. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017, p. 5881–5891.

J. G. Grandi, H. G. Debarba, I. Berndt, L. Nedel, and A. Maciel, “Design and assessment of a collaborative 3D interaction technique for handheld augmented reality,” in 2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 2018, pp. 49–56.

V. A. de Jesus Oliveira, L. Nedel, A. Maciel, and L. Brayda, “Spatial discrimination of vibrotactile stimuli around the head,” in 2016 IEEE Haptics Symposium (HAPTICS), 2016, pp. 1–6.

V. A. d. J. Oliveira, L. Nedel, A. Maciel, and L. Brayda, “Localized magnification in vibrotactile hmds for accurate spatial awareness,” in Haptics: Perception, Devices, Control, and Applications. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016, pp. 55–64.

V. A. de Jesus Oliveira, L. Brayda, L. Nedel, and A. Maciel, “Designing a vibrotactile head-mounted display for spatial awareness in 3d spaces,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 1409–1417, 2017.

A. Calepso, R. Guarese, R. Valer, Y. Iquiapaza, V. d. J. Oliveira, L. Nedel, and A. Maciel, “3DUI and the phantom limb: Multisensory experience for embodiment of amputation,” in 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2020, pp. 517–518.

J. A. Wagner Filho, M. F. Rey, C. M. D. S. Freitas, and L. Nedel, “Immersive visualization of abstract information: An evaluation on dimensionally-reduced data scatterplots,” in 2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 2018, pp. 483–490.

J. A. Wagner Filho, C. Freitas, and L. Nedel, “Virtualdesk: A comfortable and efficient immersive information visualization approach,” Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 415–426, 2018.

J. A. Wagner Filho, C. M. D. S. Freitas, and L. Nedel, “Comfortable immersive analytics with the virtualdesk metaphor,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 39, no. 3, pp. 41–53, 2019.

J. Wagner Filho, W. Stuerzlinger, and L. Nedel, “Evaluating an immersive space-time cube geovisualization for intuitive trajectory data exploration,” IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, vol. PP, pp. 1–1, 10 2019.

C. Quijano-Chavez, L. Nedel, and C. M. Freitas, “An immersive approach based on two levels of interaction for exploring multiple coordinated 3d views,” in Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2021. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021, pp. 493–513.

R. Guarese, J. Becker, H. Fensterseifer, A. Calepso, M. Walter, C. Freitas, L. Nedel, and A. Maciel, “A usability assessment of augmented situated visualization,” in 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW), 2020, pp. 636–637.

R. L. M. Guarese and A. Maciel, “Development and usability analysis of a mixed reality gps navigation application for the microsoft hololens,” in Advances in Computer Graphics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 431–437.

A. Maciel, T. Halic, Z. Lu, L. P. Nedel, and S. De, “Using the physx engine for physics-based virtual surgery with force feedback,” The International Journal of Medical Robotics and Computer Assisted Surgery, vol. 5, pp. 341–353, 2009.

I. Berndt, R. Torchelsen, and A. Maciel, “Efficient surgical cutting with position-based dynamics,” IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 24–31, 2017.

A. Nunes, A. Maciel, L. Cavazzola, and M. Walter, “A laparoscopybased method for brdf estimation from in vivo human liver,” Medical Image Analysis, vol. 35, pp. 620 – 632, 2017.

J. A. Ticona, S. Villa, R. Torchelsen, A. Maciel, and L. Nedel, “Physsketch: Sketching 3D dynamic objects in immersive virtual reality,” in Advances in Computer Graphics. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019, pp. 119–130.
FREITAS, Carla M. D. S.; NEDEL, Luciana; MACIEL, Anderson. Visualization, Interaction and Simulation Lab. In: WORKSHOP DE VISUAL ANALYTICS, VISUALIZAÇÃO DE INFORMAÇÕES E CIENTÍFICA - CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES (SIBGRAPI), 34. , 2021, Online. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2021 . p. 252-255. DOI:

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