Enriquecimento Semântico de Imagens Divulgadas em Redes Sociais On-line

  • Marcos Arrais UFRJ
  • Jonice Oliveira UFRJ
  • Fabrício Firmino UFRJ


The publication of reply in images on digital social networks is increasingly commonplace. These images carry texts, phrases, thoughts or subjective visual features that may have meaning through context or user interpretation. This research provides a process for the extraction of semantic features of images posted as comments and feeds in the online social network Facebook, and through the integration of Facebook GraphAPI and Google Search, create a model of recovery and treatment of meanings traits. The validation of assumptions and inferences of the research was conducted through case studies.
Palavras-chave: Facebook, Google Search, Análise de redes sociais, Recuperação da informação, Memes, Traços semânticos
ARRAIS, Marcos; OLIVEIRA, Jonice; FIRMINO, Fabrício. Enriquecimento Semântico de Imagens Divulgadas em Redes Sociais On-line. In: WORKSHOP SOBRE ASPECTOS DA INTERAÇÃO HUMANO-COMPUTADOR NA WEB SOCIAL (WAIHCWS), 7. , 2016, São Paulo. Anais [...]. Porto Alegre: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2017 . p. 18-24. ISSN 2596-0296.

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